Smithsonian National Zoo

zoo1Today we decided to take the Metro into Washington, DC to see the Smithsonian National Zoo.  We have little experience with ‘subways’ so the Metro, itself was a bit of an adventure for us.  

Knowing it’s off season, we expected we would to have the zoo almost to ourselves.  We never guessed that we were going during Spring Break for Washington D. C.  schools. I think everyone decided to go to the zoo.zoo2 Despite the crowd, we had good time.

Madi liked watching this bird, an Abyssinian Ground Hornbill.  I overheard one person tell their children it was a turkey, another said it was a heron and a third explained to their kids it was a crow.  I considered speaking up but suspected some wouldn’t appreciate the help.    Pluse this sign was only a few feet away.  zoo4They had informative signs to describe each animal, its diet and habitat.  I wondered why people didn’t read them, or better yet, send their children to read them. zoo3

Madi also enjoyed the otters (viewed from under water), the bears, the Alpacas, and the cows.

Getting around with a 6 month old and a 22 month old is quite a challenge.  I know we did it and I know many of my friends have done it.  However, even with that, I remain in awe as I watch my son and his wife today.


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